What is a Creative Video Agency?

If you run an online business, you probably know how critical video is for growing your trade. Nothing helps you connect with your audience greater than a well-produced video promoting your brand.

In a recent study by Lemonlight, it was reported that including video in your ad campaign gives a 34% increase in conversion rate — helping generate leads for up to 84% of marketers worldwide.

So the answer is clear: incorporating video into your marketing strategy is one of the biggest ROI activities you can deploy for your own business.

The real question is, where do you start?

It might be confusing to figure out whether you need help with either your marketing strategy — or a video production company that handles your nitty gritty instead.

The truth of the matter is… you need both.

And that is where a Creative Video Agency comes in. 

What Is A Creative Video Agency?

A Creative Video Agency is the perfect hybrid between a marketing agency and a video production company. 

The creative video agency’s job is to conceptualize, write and produce video content (i.e. video ads, company homepage videos, product marketing videos, explainer videos, etc) for your business. They handle scripts, storyboards, video production, post-production, and work on a contractual basis.

In other words, a creative video agency offers business owners the full spectrum of skills required to create the most effective and quality video possible. 

The creative video agency works hand in hand with the client to create an effective promotional video that speaks to your target audience, while offering the expertise of a video production company. 

This way, you, as the business owner, get to experience the best of both worlds: 

Creative Video Agency = Effective Marketing Strategy + Quality Video Production

Now, let’s lay out why you need BOTH a marketing strategy and a video production team.

First off, we got the Marketing Agency. 

The marketing (ads) agency’s creative team works to craft a compelling message (AKA script) that resonates with your target audience. 

However, most ad agencies only take care of the marketing — and leave all the complicated video production in your hands.

A video production company specializes in producing videos that reinforce the message of your brand. They’ve mastered the art of conveying your brand story with effective visuals that connect with your viewers in a meaningful way.

And that’s as far as the value this video-production company can offer you. 

A video production company will not be able to assist you in the creation of a compelling marketing strategy. Their main job is to create awe-striking videos — not crafting the ideal messaging to bring customers through the door.

And this is why you can’t judge each one of these services in a vacuum. In an ideal scenario, you leverage both the sharp marketing strategy of an Ad Agency, with the crisp creative expertise of a video company, to give birth to the ultimate Video Ad.

And that’s what a creative video agency is designed to help you accomplish.

Three Reasons Why You Should Hire a Creative Video Agency

Reason #1: It saves you time

This is the most obvious answer.

By outsourcing your entire video ad creation process, you get to free up time for the other high-ROI activities that impact your business. No longer do you have to worry about complex video setup, coming up with the perfect messaging for your video ad, or testing millions of iterations until you finally hit the home run on a winner.

All of these aspects are now taken care of by an experienced team of video ad professionals. People with a proven track record that have already gone through the journey of mastering video ad creation… and know the fastest road to success possible.

Reason #2: It saves you money

The only way to learn is to fail. A LOT.

Which is okay, we all go through it at some point. 

But when it comes to video advertising, it can be tough to constantly have to burn money left & right just to get ONE Ad to work. And if you’re a small business owner, you probably don’t have limitless funds to place on testing ads either.

And that’s what’s beautiful about a creative video agency. 

These people have already gone through the steep learning curve of mastering video ads… and know what works, what doesn’t, and how to get your business to the next level.

Reason #2: Leveraging expertise

Ties back to the last two points.

Why would you flush money down the drain trying to make some ads work — when you can use the help of other experts who have already paved these roads for you?

Mastering video ads is possible, but it takes time.

So unless you’re more interested in going through this journey yourself, outsourcing this aspect of your business is by far… one the fastest ways to get to the promised land.

How a Creative Video Agency Works

Here at Linx Digital, we offer a creative video production service. We help businesses worldwide create and produce video ads (for YouTube, Facebook, and TikTok). 

Here is how our Creative Video Agency services work:

  1. Creative Strategy: We ask for a production brief, and then get to work on scripting the video ad.  We know that it is highly unlikely that you will hit a winning ad with just 1 try, so we come up with multiple ad variations and angles (hooks, body, call-to-action).
  2. Video Production: We give you the script to film (only if you want to appear on camera, which is common when you are in the info-product, coaches, and consultants niche). Or we film the script ourselves. 
  3. Post-Production: We edit and put the videos together. 
  4. Deliverables: Multiple video ad variations. (At the end of every project we typically produce 40+ video ad variations)

Watch the video below where we breakdown our entire Creative Video Production service:

If you would like to find out more about how to leverage the expertise of a creative video agency to take your video ads off the ground, then feel free to book a call with us here

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