Video for Marketing: An Ultimate Strategy Guide for 2023

Video has significantly been one of the breakout trends in the marketing world in the last decade. In fact, 86% of businesses use video as a marketing tool, holding steady from last year. And despite the pandemic impacting video marketing plans, the disruption appears to be reduced compared to last year as people adjust to the ‘new norm’.

According to this 2022 research conducted by Wyzowl:

  • Video remains a key priority for marketers with usage and spend both, overall, increasing in 2021, and plans to increase again in the next 12 months as depicted on Illustration 1.1.
  • People are watching more video online than ever before, and has doubled the amount of online video watched since 2018.
video marketing strategy survey
Illustration 1.1: 92% of marketers who use video say that it's an important part of their marketing strategy in 2022.
  • Marketers feel more confident about the ROI offered by video as it continues to strongly influence traffic, leads, sales, and audience understanding, which may be attributed to better understanding of how to use video and quantify its impact.

  • 86% of video marketers say video has been effective for generating leads, up another 2% from 2021 and up 5% since 2019 (see Illustration 1.3).
increase lead gen with video marketing survey
Illustration 1.3: 86% of marketers recognize that video has made a direct, positive impact on sales.

Has video marketing reached a saturation point? 

By looking at these numbers, you may be left feeling that may be so. However, there still seems to be plenty of opportunities for marketers to explore video.

As illustrated below, people continue to watch more video as it suggests that the number of  videos watched per week, per person, has almost doubled since 2018.

average hours of online video watched per week- marketing survey
Average hours of online video watched per week (per person) nearly doubled from 2018 to 2022

And as for where they watch it? Unsurprisingly, YouTube is the most widely-used platform among video marketers. This does not mean the lesser-used video platforms do not reap results for video marketers. By the end of the day, choosing which platform to advertise on will have to depend on what purpose the video will be used for.

Learn how much money you need to get started with YouTube ads 

Why should it matter to you?

As people are spending more and more time at home–working remotely–the demand for and consumption of video has skyrocketed. That said, video as a marketing tool is ‘the’ inevitable. With nine out of ten people wanting to see more videos from brands in 2021, video is an excellent tool for online lead generation and brand awareness. 

As Video is universally popular among both marketers and their audiences, it’s no surprise that it is set to continue its’ success into the future–helping businesses achieve a plethora of important goals (see Illustrations 2.1 & 2.2)

marketers who've increased sales with video - marketing survey
Illustration 2.1 Up to 81% of Marketers have been increasing sales with video

81% of marketers reporting increased sales with video marketing in 2022
marketers who've increased user understanding with video
Illustration 2.2: 94% of marketers agree that videos have helped increase user understanding of their product or service.

By now, you should be convinced that video marketing really is the way forward–which brings us to our next point.

How do you create a video marketing strategy?

Just like you wouldn’t create a commercial and buy airtime without researching and strategizing, you shouldn’t create an ad without first doing the research and a plan. 

Remember: your video marketing strategy is what guides your budget, timelines, production processes, metrics, and more. That being said, writing it down and finalizing it SHOULD be the very first step!

Let’s start with: 

Goals. Goals. Goals.

You may be tempted to address every stage of your marketing funnel altogether–BUT, deciding which stage is the most important is critical.

marketing funnel stages awareness consideration decision
Image via Animoox - The Marketing Funnel consists of 3 stages: Awareness, Consideration, and Decision

  • Awareness: this stage is usually where a challenge is defined, and your audience recognizes they have a problem. That being said, your video at this stage should be about how to attract and introduce your product/brand to a new audience. 
  • Consideration: at this point, your viewer is now considering how your service/product could solve the problem they’re faced with. At this stage, they are most likely conducting research, asking for recommendations, watching product reviews, and trying to find cost-effective solutions.
  • Decision: this is the part where your prospect will want proof of customer satisfaction, and prove why your product or service should be chosen over your competition. 

Considering the above, here’s a simple way to decide the type of video you may create. If attracting new customers is your main goal, then an awareness video may be your best bet. If you’re addressing customers who are close to closing the sale, then you will want to create a video that addresses exactly that. 

Simply put: setting your goals and identifying the funnel stage you want to focus on will help you create an effective call  to action to your content. 

Setting your target audience

Here’s the thing: if you create a video without a specific audience in mind, it’s much more likely to be a failure–because…well, those who are meant to watch it won’t, and those who do watch it WILL NOT CONVERT. 

So, how do you identify your target audience? By creating a buyer persona.

By mapping a buyer persona, you’ll know exactly who you want your video to reach to buy your product/service. To do this, you can start by establishing:

  1. Who your product or service is for;
  2. What video is going to be used for; and
  3. Where your target audience hangs out (this will inform how you distribute your video).

Another sure-fire way for your ad to reach the ‘right’ people is by targeting who have already shown a particular interest in topics linked to your business. You may also consider targeting people who actively search for products and services like yours.

By the end of this exercise, not only will you know who your target audience is–you’ll also know exactly how you can reach them. 

Where to post?

Every known social media platform has its own unique form of video. Because Facebook has been around much longer than others, it offers various types of videos unlike newer ones like Snapchat and TikTok—which heavily relies on one format.

If you’ve never used video on any platform, begin with the ones where you already have audiences established. According to Statista and data collected in February 2019, audiences on Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat spend around half of their time on the network watching videos. Choosing any of these three to begin your video marketing would be a good first step.

Learn how to advertise with YouTube

Decide what story to tell

This includes video styles and types that are best suited to the story you’re telling—what sort of videos appeal to your target audience, and more.

Remember: storytelling has tremendous staying power. You’d also want to consider where it will fit into your customer journey and marketing funnel because your audience will likely need different video types and messages at different points in their journey.

Work on your visuals

We cannot stress enough how important the aesthetics of your creative is!

How many times have you been ‘baited’ to click on an ad because the quality of editing was great? You see, having an amazing offer that is lackluster on screen would cause people to ‘skip’ your ad. Talk about unrealized potential! 

That being said, investing in a quality-produced video ad should be your EVERYTHING. Period.

Set (and stick to) a timeline

As you’re planning your entire production (from creative ideation to actual video distribution) you should have multiple timelines to stick to that considers every part of the process such as production, distribution, and more. Adhering yourself to such will act as your guide in keeping you aware of how much you’ve done and what’s left to do.

Promote videos and create landing pages

Landing pages have one job: to convert your audience into paying customers.

Driving your leads to a landing page that allows them to explore further information about your offer is critical because it encourages your audience to take action. That said, make sure to use this space where they can learn more about your product(s), service(s), and business. 

Measure & monitor campaigns

Depending on which platform you chose to place your video ad in, it should give you access to various metrics to gauge how your campaigns are performing. 

These metrics give you insights on views, shares, likes and subscriptions so you can understand your campaign’s effectiveness, and make sound decisions on how you can continually push out content—and on occasions, make changes—that is quality and effective to scale your business.

Our Thoughts

Considering the changing trends in how consumers prefer to learn about brands and their products, it’s not surprising to see video in your overall marketing strategy. 

Yielding a higher conversion rate than any other content format, this is the perfect opportunity for businesses to capitalize on a trend that’s growing in popularity among consumers—and with platforms increasingly prioritizing video content, now couldn't be a better time to take advantage of this marketing tool to get ahead in the game. 

You can check out the full report and get a downloadable version by visiting Wyzowl's State of Video Marketing 2022 page.

Partner with Us

At Linx Digital, we set ourselves apart by delivering data-driven results through our team of experienced professionals who are knowledgeable in the latest YouTube advertising best practices. 

Our end-to-end management of YouTube campaigns, including thorough target audience research, creative ad creation, unique optimization approaches, and comprehensive reporting, sets us apart from the competition. We customise our media purchasing and advertisement creative approach to fit your objectives, guaranteeing that you receive precisely what is required to scale your brand.

Our commitment to transparency and collaboration has helped us build a strong track record of delivering exceptional results for clients across various industries. We take pride in our approach and invite you to browse our portfolio of successful campaigns.

Choose US for your YouTube advertising needs and experience the difference that data-driven strategy and expert execution can make; jump on a free strategy call with us!

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