Top 3 TikTok Ad Spy Tools to Outsmart Your Competitors

TikTok Ads
April 23, 2024

In today's competitive digital marketing landscape, leveraging ad spy tools is essential, especially on platforms like TikTok. These tools enable you to spy on competitors' ads, uncover hidden tactics, and refine your marketing strategies.

Let's delve into the best TikTok ad spy tools, and how they can help you outmaneuver your competition.

TikTok Top Ads

TikTok Top Ads main page interface
Preview of TikTok Top Ads main page

Are you aware that TikTok offers a specialized ad library aimed at enabling you to monitor your competitors' advertising strategies?

This ingenious resource empowers marketers to covertly observe their competitors' promotional activities, offering insights into their market positioning and advertising investments.

Delving into this treasure trove of information, brands can anticipate upcoming trends before they become mainstream, equipping them to outmaneuver their rivals.

The insights gleaned from this library could serve as the muse for your next creative endeavor — echoing the adage that imitation is the highest form of flattery!

You can access this TikTok ad library in the Creative Center.

To explore these ads, you'll need to register for a business or advertiser account. Rest assured, you're not required to launch an ad campaign to access the top ads.

Filter Options

With a plethora of ads at your disposal, the TikTok ad library's filtering options assist in honing in on the ideal ad for your needs. Whether targeting a specific industry for maximum impact, pursuing a particular objective, or aiming at a certain geographic audience — your perfect match is just a few clicks away!

Refine your search further with parameters like ‘likes’ ranking (compared to other ads on the platform), video length, and date range, all within a streamlined dashboard.

Here's what you can filter by in the industry category:

Apparel & Accessories



Baby, Kids & Maternity

Beauty & Personal Care

Business Services

E-Commerce (Non-app)


Home Improvement

Household Products

Life Services

News & Entertainment


Sports & Outdoor

Tech & Electronics


Vehicle & Transportation

The objective filter includes options like:

App Installs


Lead Generation

Product Sales



Video Views

For ad reach, your choices include For You, Reach, CTR, 2s Views Rate, and 6s Views Rate, with For You being the default selection.

TikTok Ad Details Page

The ad details page is where the magic happens. It not only displays your selected ads but also provides comprehensive insights into likes, comments, shares, industry, target region, and objectives. This wealth of information is invaluable for understanding how successful brands craft and market their campaigns.

And the best part? It's all available at no cost! With such a resource at your fingertips, there's no reason not to explore what other advertisers are up to.


Minea Ad Spy interface

Minea's TikTok Ads spy tool is your secret weapon for outmaneuvering competitors in audience research and analysis. Let's dive into what makes it so special.

Advanced Ad Filtering

Minea's array of filters ensures you find the exact ad you need. Start with a keyword or narrow it down to ads from a specific domain. Refine your search by selecting target countries and e-commerce types.

Further refine your search with options like plays, language, downloads, comments, shares, and forwards. With such a vast range of combinations, finding your desired ad is almost guaranteed.

In-Depth Ad Analytics

Minea offers a treasure trove of ad data to maximize your marketing efforts. Its intuitive dashboard provides insights into both current and historical TikTok ad campaigns.

Beyond the ad itself, Minea reveals key metrics like plays, shares, and likes, enabling you to make informed decisions swiftly with their real-time analytics.

Worldwide Reach

Minea's TikTok Ads Spy Tool is your gateway to global marketing insights, covering over 80 markets. This extensive data pool is invaluable for spotting trends and understanding international ad campaigns, giving you the edge in crafting your strategies.

Minea's Subscription Options

Minea offers three pricing tiers, but for comprehensive TikTok ads access, the Premium Plan at 99€ per month is your go-to. This plan allows you to explore up to 100,000 ads across various platforms, including TikTok, Snapchat, Facebook, and Pinterest.

While the price may seem steep, the breadth of access justifies the investment. However, note that there's no free trial for the Premium Plan. To get a feel of the platform, you can start with the free but limited version.

BigSpy: The Multi-Platform Ad Spy Tool

Preview of BigSpy TikTok Spy Tool interface

BigSpy stands as your ultimate online hub for social media competitive analysis. Whether you're eyeing the competition or crafting a robust marketing strategy, BigSpy is your go-to resource.

Currently, its TikTok Spy Tool is stealing the spotlight. This cutting-edge feature lets users delve into viral videos and trending hashtags or keywords on TikTok, offering a window into the dos and don'ts of content marketing on the platform.

Getting Started with BigSpy

Embarking on your BigSpy journey is a breeze, opening doors to a world of opportunities. BigSpy caters to everyone, helping uncover everything from hidden gems to influential figures, and even trends across various industries.

A few simple clicks grant you entry to one of the most potent market research tools available, designed for ease of use. BigSpy not only offers insider insights but also enlightens you on diverse topics, from fashion to finance.

Signing up is straightforward: just provide an email and password, and after verification, you'll have basic access to the platform.

Highlight Features of BigSpy

As a leading social media ad spying tool, BigSpy boasts an array of impressive features:

Focused Industry Monitoring

BigSpy zeroes in on e-commerce, gaming apps, and non-gaming apps. This specialized focus means you get tailored data to inform your business strategies. You can switch focus among these industries, with up to three switches per month under the free plan.

Comprehensive Social Media Coverage

Navigating the ever-changing landscape of social media platforms can be daunting. BigSpy simplifies this by offering insights across platforms like TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. So, whether you're concentrating on TikTok Ads or exploring other platforms, BigSpy is your ally.

Extensive Ad Database

BigSpy's vast ad database is a treasure trove of information. Search through thousands of ads, each accompanied by detailed performance metrics like impressions and click-through rates. Updated daily, this database ensures you're always working with the latest data.

In-Depth Ad Insights

Each ad is presented as a card, detailing its platform, performance trends, and a summary of key metrics like popularity, impressions, duration, likes, comments, and shares. Clicking an ad reveals more details and the option to watch or download the video. You can also save ads for later review.

Featured Ads Search

Looking for top-performing TikTok ads or products? BigSpy's Featured Ads search is your tool. Filter ads by growth rate, location, platform, website type, and ad format to find the best-performing content.

BigSpy Pricing

BigSpy offers three plans: Basic, Pro, and VIP. The TikTok spy tool, however, is exclusive to the VIP plan, priced at $3,600 annually. While this may seem steep for TikTok ad access alone, it's a valuable investment if you're utilizing multiple social media spying tools.

BigSpy is a powerhouse for isolating trending content, making it an invaluable asset for influencer marketing strategies. If staying ahead of industry trends is your goal, BigSpy is a worthy choice.


As we've seen, each of these tools offers unique features and benefits. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or just starting out, leveraging these tools can significantly enhance your TikTok advertising strategies. By understanding and utilizing the strengths of TikTok Top Ads, Minea, and BigSpy, you're not just keeping up with the competition; you're setting the pace.

In conclusion, these TikTok ad spy tools are more than just a peek into what others are doing; they are a strategic asset in your marketing arsenal. By harnessing their power, you can craft campaigns that not only capture attention but also drive results, ensuring your brand's success in the fast-paced world of TikTok marketing.

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