Maximizing Your Marketing in 2023: Capitalizing on TikTok Trends

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April 23, 2024

TikTok Trends are a great way to get your brand or business noticed. Whether you’re looking for a creative way to market your products or services, or just want to show off some of your funniest content, incorporating TikTok Trends into your overall marketing strategy can have a big impact.

Now—before get into examples on how you can incorporate these trends into your overall marketing strategy, let's talk about...

TikTok What's Next 2023 Trend Report

This study is intended to arm marketers with vital knowledge about how consumer desires and needs will evolve in the year ahead—as well as what that implies for their approaches on TikTok.

According to the data, the three major trend at play that will be driving this change are: 

  • Actionable entertainment;
  • Making space for joy; and
  • Community-built ideals.

Now that's out the window, let's expound on each trend and discover how you can incorporate each to your 2023 TikTok marketing strategy. 

‘Actionable Entertainment’

On TikTok, content is curated based on what its users deem entertaining—in fact, 4 in 5 users have attested that TikTok is ‘very’ or ‘extremely so’. It is unique in that it offers content driven by what viewers find entertaining—captivating their attention with the quality of its content. 

Creators who take the time to understand the power of humour, audio, pacing, and advice can quickly draw in viewers. The trust that people have in the content on TikTok is due to its creators being people that viewers can relate to or experts in their field. This is why ideas spread so quickly on the platform, giving people the confidence to take action due to hearing compelling stories from real people.

That said, it is incredibly important that the messaging of your content is not only entertaining, but also provides them with actionable takeaways that can help them in their lives. This includes content that are:

  • Easy to digest and provides useful tips, such as advice on saving money, time management, and other lifestyle hacks [1];
  • Both fun and useful, as this is what TikTok users are looking for [2]; and
  • Tailored to the TikTok audience, as this will be more likely to reach the right people in the right way [3].

Ways to incorporate this trend into your TikTok Ad messaging:

Sell the experience

Instead of just 'selling', you should go the extra mile and show their viewers how to use their products, making use of personal stories and creative storytelling styles (like transitions) to make your messages more impactful, as viewers will be able to relate to your story. 

Recommended Hashtags: #Storytime, #POV

Pique curiosity and unravel ‘truths’

If you missed the memo, people come to the platform to uncover the truth and build trust between Creators and viewers. In fact, according to a TikTok survey, 74% of users who took an action off-platform due to the platform said that comments from other users were the most effective in providing helpful information. 

Say for example you’re a dermatologist who’s on TikTok to grow your reach and sell your skincare products, a great content would be to challenge dubious skincare advice to help you foster a stronger bond with your audience. By providing useful advice and insights that can help viewers make decisions, you help provide viewers with more useful information and better inform their decisions.

Recommended Hashtags: #ExpectationVsReality, #FactOrCap

Collaborate your way to it

If your brand has fans who create content on the platform—pay attention to their organic videos and use them to your advantage! 

Boosting these videos can help to create influential ads that can have a powerful impact on the viewers. To make the most out of these videos, it is essential to develop strong relationships with the Creators to help foster genuine sponsorships. 

For example, if you own a clothing brand—work with a fashion influencer to create sponsored content. If you’re in the beauty space, collaborate with a make-up artist to create tutorials featuring your products. These endorsements from Creators can greatly increase the visibility of the brand, and help to build trust and loyalty among your viewer base.

Recommended Hashtags: #MustHaves, #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt

‘Making Space for Joy’

Despite the proliferation of self-care advice, many people still struggle with burnout and finding meaningful ways to take care of themselves. With public health issues, stress from work-life balance, and personal hardships, it can be difficult to prioritise self-care in everyday life. 

People are starting to shift their perception of traditional life "milestones" such as marriage and having children—and instead, focusing on their own happiness and creating space for fun. 

TikTok has made itself quite ‘the’ ideal platform for people to discover new forms of humour, relaxation, and other content that can help them make self-care their top priority. With its emphasis on joy, TikTok videos provide a source of uplifting and inspiring content that can help people find their own balance and peace in the new year.

Ways to incorporate this trend into your TikTok Ad messaging:

To incorporate the 'Making Space for Joy' trend on your TikTok content, you can create videos that focus on the importance of self-care and highlight the various ways your audience can prioritise their own happiness in their lives through any of the following:

Channel your inner child

TikTok offers a unique opportunity for people to get creative and share humorous content, relying heavily on the use of popular sounds as a creative element. Memes are a great way to bond over universal jokes and formats, making the platform a great place for people to express themselves and connect with other users.

You could create humorous content that highlights the lighter side of self-care, and demonstrate different ways that people can find joy and peace even in the midst of challenging times. 

EA Games recently launched an innovative campaign to raise awareness of their in-game Sims Sessions concert series.

The campaign encouraged users to get creative with singing and making videos in the game's native Simlish language. This gave passionate gamers the chance to create their own content and bring in more interest to The Sims. To learn more about the campaign, you can watch the TikTok Made Me Play It gaming summit.

Recommended Hashtags:  #InnerChild

Promote wellness initiatives

People are increasingly interested in holistic approaches to wellness, which means incorporating humour and creativity into wellness campaigns is essential. For example, promote yoga classes or healthy eating tips using funny memes and videos. 

Follow these tips and you'll be on your way to profitable results! 

Recommended Hashtags:  #Wellness,  #SelfCare

‘Community-built Ideals’

TikTok communities are special because they're so specific and that's why they're thriving at a massive scale! Sharing those hyper-niche interests really helps people connect with each other, and then they end up discovering new things they didn't know they liked.

Being on the platform is like being a part of a bunch of little clubs where you can find new ideas on how to live your life and explore your passions.

In fact, TikTok is actually 1.8 times more likely to introduce you to new topics you didn't know you were into compared to other social media platforms. And as people look for ways to break out of the norm, they turn to peers and role models who show the confidence to live life their own way.

People use TikTok to start conversations and find unique answers to all their curiosities. It's not just about learning and aspiration though, it's about people from all over the world coming together and building a community based on shared interests and ideals, and finding inspiration in each other.

Ways to incorporate this trend into your TikTok Ad messaging:

Entertainment Meets Education: Captivate Your Audience with Informative Fun

Individuals flock to the TikTok community to initiate new discussions and uncover uncommon solutions to their queries. By offering educational content that is engaging, it stands out and fosters inspiration for new habits and perspectives.

A great example of a TikTok ad campaign offering educational content in a fun way is the "How to Make a Smoothie" campaign by Blendtec, a manufacturer of high-performance blenders. 

The campaign featured a series of short and entertaining videos showcasing different smoothie recipes using Blendtec blenders.

The videos used humour and creative visuals to demonstrate how easy it is to make delicious and healthy smoothies with Blendtec products. The campaign encouraged user participation by using a hashtag challenge and provided a fun and engaging way for the brand to promote their products and educate the audience on healthy eating habits.

Recommended Hashtags:  #Edutok, #TikTokMadeMeTryIt

Next Stop: Journey to Growth

TikTok communities are a testament to the value of diversity and the growth that can come from embracing different perspectives and paths in life. Rather than searching for a one-size-fits-all solution, TikTok users are discovering that there are countless ways to achieve success and fulfilment in their own unique ways. 

The supportive and positive atmosphere within TikTok communities encourages individuals to embrace their individuality and strive towards their goals on their own terms. This sense of community fosters a supportive environment that celebrates the diverse paths and perspectives of its users, allowing them to grow and thrive.

One example of a TikTok ad that showcased the value of diversity is Nike's "You Can't Stop Us" campaign. 

The ad features a diverse group of athletes, including people with disabilities, and emphasises the idea that everyone can push beyond their limits to achieve their goals. The ad was well-received by the TikTok community and helped Nike connect with its audience by promoting a message of inclusivity and diversity.

Join the Trend, Live the Experience

TikTok Creators showcase themselves in their daily routines, such as shopping, eating, or trying new products. This relatable and attainable content inspires viewers to replicate the activity or make a purchase.

To leverage this trend, you can create relatable and accessible content featuring yourself or influencers in everyday activities such as shopping, eating, and testing new products. 

This can motivate viewers to follow suit and drive sales by showcasing the product in a real-world context. You can also use influencer marketing to reach a wider audience and increase the authenticity of your content. Additionally, you can use relevant hashtags to increase the visibility of your content on the platform.

An example of this trend in action on TikTok could be a beauty brand creating sponsored content with a popular TikTok creator. 

The creator can showcase their everyday makeup routine and talk about how their new go-to lipstick has become a staple in their routine. Viewers who relate to the creator's style and routine may feel motivated to try the product themselves. 

By incorporating relatable content and showing the product in action, the brand can create a strong connection with potential customers.

Recommended Hashtags:  #EverydayActivities, #TryNewThings, #ShopWithMe

Stay Ahead of the Trend: Monitor Emerging Signals on TikTok

Trends on TikTok are constantly in flux—presenting both exciting new opportunities for brands to engage with users and potential challenges for staying on top of the ever-changing landscape. 

But fear not!

By incorporating a few simple tips into your approach, you can easily keep track of these signals and stay ahead of the game:

Start by identifying the trends that matter most to your brand. 

By asking questions such as 'What cultural influences are impacting your target audience the most?' and 'What are their pain points, interests and desires?', you can gain a deeper understanding of the trends that resonate with your target audience and create content that speaks directly to them. 

Think about how TikTok is changing the landscape for your specific industry or category. Gaining insight into the evolving formats, interests, and expectations on TikTok can help you understand how the platform is transforming your industry or category, providing clarity on the right direction to take. 

Doing this simple pre-planning activity can position your brand for success and connect with users in meaningful ways.

Examining popular hashtags, audio, and content creators within your industry can reveal emerging trends.

By keeping an eye on what's trending in your niche on TikTok by checking out hashtags, sounds, and popular creators in your industry. 

You can also utilise TikTok's related search feature to uncover new patterns in content that is relevant to your audience. This is a great way to stay ahead of the curve and ensure your brand is making the most of the platform's unique features.

Final Words

Embracing the latest TikTok Trends can bring a fresh and exciting approach to your marketing strategy. By incorporating the trend's relatable and accessible content, you can connect with your audience and drive engagement. 

Remember, the key to a successful TikTok marketing campaign is to remain creative, relatable and true to your brand's identity. So, get inspired, and make the most of TikTok's endless possibilities!

If you want to find out more about what we could do for your business, jump on a free strategy call with us to know how we can help you grow your brand!

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