Get Seen on Youtube with These 4 Video Optimization Tips

As the second most popular website in the world, YouTube receives over 2.6 billion visitors every month. 

With such a large audience, it’s no surprise that many businesses are using YouTube to promote their products and services. However, simply uploading a video to YouTube is not enough to ensure that it will be seen by your target audience. 

To ensure that your videos are seen by as many people as possible, you need to optimize them for YouTube’s search algorithm. Here are—

Four tips for optimizing your videos for YouTube in 2023:

1. Use Keywords in Your Video Title and Description

One of the most important things you can do to optimize your videos for YouTube is to include relevant keywords in your title and description.

When you include keywords in your title and description, you are more likely to show up in YouTube’s search results for those keywords.

Including keywords in your title and description also helps to let YouTube know what your video is about, which can help YouTube suggest your video to people who are interested in similar topics.

2. Optimize Your Video Thumbnail

Your video thumbnail is one of the first things that people will see when they come across your video, so it’s important to make sure that it is eye-catching and relevant to your video.

Your thumbnail should be high-quality and should give people a good idea of what your video is about.

3. Create Transcripts of Your Videos

Another great way to optimize your videos for YouTube is to create transcripts of your videos.

Transcripts are a written version of your video’s audio and can help YouTube understand what your video is about.

Transcripts can also be helpful for people who are deaf or hard of hearing and can be used to create subtitles for your video.

4. Use Tags

Tags are another great way to optimize your videos for YouTube.

Tags are keywords that you can assign to your videos, and they can help YouTube to understand what your video is about and to suggest your video to people who are interested in similar topics.

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